Thursday afternoon I had my first sonogram and here a couple of pictures we got to take home. Little T was pretty genki (active), so it was hard to get a good picture at first.
Koichi thinks this one looks like Jar Jar Binks. He's convinced our child has either eyes that bug out of its head or antenna. This picture wasn't too helpful.
Here's one that looks a little better.
If you squint just right you can see her/his (still to be determined) head to the left. S/he's laying on her/his side. It looks like her/his mouth is open and is saying *hello*.
It was a lot easier to make these pictures out when we could see the baby moving on the ultrasound monitor. Now that we have these 2 dimentional pictures, it just looks like a big ol' blob of white and black. We have 2 more pictures and I'll post them as soon as I can. We took the pictures that the sonographer gave us and went to a camera store to have them scanned and then burned onto a CD. Unfortunately they really screwed up our order and we only got these 2 so far. They're fixing their mistake and I should be able to get a new and improved CD with the missing pictures tomorrow. I'll post them as soon as I can.
The Dr. said everything looks good. My bloodwork came back and everything was good and happy. The baby looks fine, thought according to the ultrasound he's 9 days bigger than my calculations put him. Doc thinks he's probably just a tall baby, and it's nothing to worry about. If s/he is 9 days older than we think, s/he'll probably arrive a week earlier than our given due date, and that may be right on my birthday. That would be cool.
In 4 weeks I go back to see Doc for my monthly check up, and in 6 weeks I go back for my second sonogram to check internal organs. If the baby cooperates, we will hopefully be able to find out the baby's gender at that time. We're really looking forward to that.
Gotta go. Blog more later!